Carbon Monetisation Grant

Good news! Easy Housing has received a significant grant to develop a construction stored carbon (CSC) monetisation framework that will benefit families that will live in biobased affordable homes in communities in the Global South.

The grant is provided by the Good Energies Foundation, part of Porticus, in collaboration with Built by Nature, for which we want to extend our gratitude.

The project will take a year and we will research and pilot different scenarios in which the carbon storage potential can further increase the affordability of sustainable timber homes for low to middle income families. The research results will be shared across the sector. We are looking forward to collaborating on this with our cohort members.

Just to give an idea. An average urban family home of Easy Housing eliminates over 25.000 kg of CO2 (so 25 credits) compared to a cement block baseline. Carbon credit prices are expected to rise to over USD 100 in the coming years, which means a potential cost reduction of USD 2,500 on a USD 15,000 home, making them 16% more affordable. This will push our price level far below the unsustainable baseline, which should enable a real breakthrough in the adoption of sustainable construction practices in countries like Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana and Mozambique!


Easy Housing - origin story


Circularity in practice!